System RequirementsTo run JBoost in its simplest form, you need to have Java 1.5 (or better) installed. To run some of the auxiliary tools (which are very useful), you should also have Python, gnuplot, and Graphviz installed. Some of the tools may also use PERL, however we are trying to phase these out. InstallingInstallation is fairly simple. Download the file appropriate for your system (self extracting zip for windows, tgz for Linux, zip for Mac) and unzip the files.
Once you have unzipped the file, you should have a folder named
Setting the CLASSPATH
Java relies on the system wide variable Windows
Here is a how-to for setting the
classpath in windows. If
MacInstall via command line in same way as on Linux (see below). Linux
There are three jar files that need to be in the classpath:
# (bash shell)
export JBOOST_DIR="PUT DIRECTORY TO JBOOST HERE" export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:$JBOOST_DIR/dist/jboost.jar:$JBOOST_DIR/lib/jfreechart-1.0.10.jar:$JBOOST_DIR/lib/jcommon-1.0.8.jar" or
# (tcsh shell)
setenv JBOOST_DIR "PUT DIRECTORY TO JBOOST HERE" setenv CLASSPATH "$CLASSPATH:$JBOOST_DIR/dist/jboost.jar:$JBOOST_DIR/lib/jfreechart-1.0.10.jar:$JBOOST_DIR/lib/jcommon-1.0.8.jar"
To have the shell remember the classpath for FUTURE SESSIONS add the
Tested SystemsWe are currently in the process of verifying JBoost's ability to run on a variety of systems. In theory, it should be able to run on any system fulfilling the system requirements; but empirically we have shown that it works on the following systems:
This page last modified Saturday, 06-Jun-2009 00:08:00 UTC